Title: (your brand) Storage Basket for Kitchen, Vegetables, Toys, Books, Office, Stationery, Utility, Cosmetics, Accessories, Closet, Clothes (38 x 25 x 8 cm)
HSN: 3924 (GST 18%)
Weigh: 202 gm
Volumetric Weight : 1510 gm
Package Dimension : 38*22*8 cm
Amazon Category: Shelf Baskets
Flipkart Category: Kitchen Racks | Fruit Baskets
Bullet Points:
- Material: plastic, Color: multi, Dimensions: 38 x 25 x 8 cm
- Woven design for a premium look
- Ideal for home, kitchen and office use
- Also use in office for organizing documents, stationery, magazine, essentials, book, etc.
- Fit in the kitchen cabinet to organize kitchen utensils/tools on the dining room table/countertop or store seasoning packets, spices
Premium Safe Storage Solution Smart Kitchen Baskets are made from polypropylene, which is high-quality food-grade plastic, and thus safe for daily usage.
Organised Appearance Use these baskets for storing away fruits, vegetables and other non-perishable solids. It will make your kitchen look systematic, and all these goods will be easily accessible as they are stored in one place.
Firm Grip Styled in a woven pattern, these baskets offer good holding grip and give a distinctive look to your kitchen. They are easy to store in your kitchen or dining room with their sleek design.
Compatible with Dishwasher You won't have to put much effort into getting the baskets clean as they can be rinsed easily in the dishwasher or by hand
multipurpose organizer rack kitchen basket for storage holder shelf bucket fruits vegetable wardrobe drain bowl khatli
kitchen Racks, fruit Baskets, storage baskets